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The MathML mmultiscripts element allows you to create tensor-like objects.

Overview Table

DOM Interface


These examples demonstrate a simple usage of the mmultiscripts element:



        <mi>X</mi>      <!-- base expression -->

        <mi>d</mi>      <!-- postsubscript -->
        <mi>c</mi>      <!-- postsuperscript -->

        <mprescripts />
        <mi>b</mi>      <!-- presubscript -->
        <mi>a</mi>      <!-- presuperscript -->





        <mi>X</mi>      <!-- base expression -->

        <none />        <!-- postsubscript -->
        <mi>c</mi>      <!-- postsuperscript -->

        <mprescripts />
        <mi>b</mi>      <!-- presubscript -->
        <none />        <!-- presuperscript -->



Related specifications

MathML 3.0
W3C Recommendation

In a descriptive way tensors are multidimensional matrices (mathematical imprecise but exemplified). The degree of a tensor depends on the dimensionality of a representative array. For example, a number is a 0-dimensional array, or a 0th-order tensor. A 1-dimensional array (e.g. vectors) is a 1st-order tensor and so 2nd-order tensors are needed to represent square matrices. To learn more about the mathematical background of tensors refer to the entry on Wikipedia.

MathML uses a special syntax to describe subscripts and superscripts for both, postscripts and prescripts, attached to a base expression:

     (subscript superscript)*
     [ <mprescripts/> (presubscript presuperscript)* ]

After the base expression you can specify a postsubscript and a postsuperscript. Prescripts are optional and are separated by the empty tag <mprescripts/>. In addition you are able to use <none/> as a placeholder for empty positions.


The minimum space by which to shift the subscript below the baseline of the expression, as a CSS length.
The minimum space by which to shift the superscript above the baseline of the expression, as a CSS length.


  • Mozilla Developer Network cc-by-sa-small-wpd.svg: Article